Customer Reviews

Based on 407 reviews
Lily S.

Since I used to work at a medical aesthetics clinics, I learned that red light has can eliminate inflammation and help ur skin on anti-aging as well. The special colored lighting can also stimulate the activity of fibroblasts and promote the regeneration of collagen and elastin. Long story short, it accelerates cell metabolism and blood circulation of capillaries, reduces freckles, accelerates the improvement of problem skin and the repair of skin after sunburn. It handy, last long as comparing to other brands. What i like the most is the little heat and vibration when it is activated, it helps my pore open and better absorbing the serum and suff. just keep in mind that it do need a little moisture to function continually.

Isabel T.

I’ve been using this 2-4 times a week applying with serum and moisturizer afterwards. I have an expression line on my forehead that I’ve become self conscious with, considering I’m in my early 30s. When I heard great things about this, I had to try it.It’s a bit addicting actually, ha. The heat feels nice and it can be used as a massage tool (Gua cha) to massage serums and moisturizers into the skin. Because it’s compact and so easy to just keep at reach, sometimes I’ll even use it at my desk when I work at home if I haven’t put any makeup on yet for the day.I was a little reluctant but can say that after using for a couple of months now routinely, I can tell my wrinkle is not as deep which is pretty amazing. I’ll continue to use!!

Maria E.

I think I was reading too much into this. It does a lot of good for your skin, but it's easy peasy to use. You simply push it on your skin and it starts working, and then move it and push. It did find that it warms up after a little bit, but not too hot, and it says you should only need five minutes a day to see results. Well, today is day one so we'll see!

Jenna O.

I’ve been reading a lot about the benefits of this and I am eager to incorporate it into my nightly routine. I like that it is heated and it feels good on the skin. I can’t wait to see results. I like that it’s pink too.

Amber I.

I've had excellent success with red light therapy both for healing and for skin improvement. I have the lamp setup and a facial device but sometimes I don't have the time to spend using them. This little gadget is wonderful. It does the same job but it's small, lightweight and easy to use. I don't think you'll see the same speed as with the larger source but this is great for maintenance and when I travel. It so convenient and easy to use with a small footprint. It does a great maintenance job. I'm mid-60s and I'm at the age where I can see the problems, not noticeable wrinkles but less firm skin and tons of sun damage. I can also see when I get results.